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Cad. Ibero Am. Direito Sanit. (Impr.) ; 12(3): 129-145, jul.-set.2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1510583


Objetivo: compreender o excesso de judicialização no Brasil e buscar algumas justificativas que levaram ao estado da arte. Metodologia: utilizou-se o método de pesquisa indutivo, realizando um levantamento bibliográfico e análise documental, com base em dados divulgados pelo Conselho Nacional de Justiça e, de forma complementar, em dados extraídos do sítio institucional da Agência Nacional de Saúde Suplementar. Resultados: a judicialização da saúde tem apresentado um caráter predominantemente individual, o que agrava o alcance da macrojustiça e do atendimento da coletividade. Além disso, as dificuldades estruturais do Sistema Único de Saúde tornam-se cada vez mais evidentes. Observa-se que a judicialização da saúde pode ser perversa do ponto de vista do excesso de concessão de tutelas de urgência, da prioridade da justiça individualizada e do destaque da microjustiça; elementos que prejudicam o funcionamento do sistema de saúde como um todo. Conclusão: a indústria farmacêutica apresenta intensa participação no processo de incorporação de medicamentos. No entanto, a complexidade e demora das etapas procedimentais da incorporação dessas novas tecnologias, não raro, resultam em demandas judiciais que derivam decisões polêmicas e nem sempre acertadas. Todo esse desenho acaba por desencadear pressão no órgão competente de incorporação, incompreensões sobre o funcionamento do SUS e fortalecimento da microjustiça.

Objective: to understand the excess of judicialization in Brazil and seek some justifications that led to the state of the art. Methods: an inductive research method was used, which involved conducting a bibliographic survey and documentary analysis of data released by the National Council of Justice and, in addition, data extracted from the institutional website of the National Supplementary Health Agency. Results: the judicialization of health has presented a predominantly individual aspect, which aggravates the reach of macrojustice and community care. In addition, the structural difficulties of the Unified Health System become increasingly evident. The judicialization of health can be perverse from the point of view of the excess of granting emergency guardianships, the priority of individualized justice, the prominence of microjustice; elements that undermine the functioning of the health system as a whole. Conclusion: the pharmaceutical industry plays an intense role in the drug incorporation process. However, the complexity and delay in the procedural stages of incorporating these new technologies often result in legal demands that result in controversial decisions that are not always correct. This entire design ends up triggering pressure on the competent incorporation body, misunderstandings about the functioning of the SUS and strengthening microjustice.

Objetivo: comprender el exceso de judicialización en Brasil y buscar algunas justificaciones que han llevado al estado del arte. Metodología: se utilizó el método de investigación inductivo, realizando un levantamiento bibliográfico y análisis documental, con base en datos divulgados por el Consejo Nacional de Justicia y, de forma complementaria, en datos extraídos del sitio web institucional de la Agencia Nacional de Salud Complementaria. Resultados: la judicialización de la salud ha presentado un carácter predominantemente individual, lo que agrava el alcance de la macrojusticia y de la atención de la colectividad. Además, las dificultades estructurales del Sistema Único de Salud son cada vez más evidentes. Se observa que la judicialización de la salud puede ser perversa desde el punto de vista de la concesión excesiva de tutelas de urgencia, de la prioridad de la justicia individualizada y del énfasis en la microjusticia; elementos que perjudican el funcionamiento del sistema de salud em su conjunto. Conclusión: la industria farmacéutica juega un papel intenso en el proceso de incorporación de medicamentos. Sin embargo, la complejidad y demora en las etapas procesales de incorporación de estas nuevas tecnologías derivan muchas veces en exigencias legales que derivan en decisiones controvertidas y no siempre correctas. Todo este diseño termina provocando presiones sobre el órgano constitutivo competente, malentendidos sobre el funcionamiento del SUS y fortalecimiento de la microjusticia.

Health Law
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533682


Introducción: El paludismo o malaria es una enfermedad producida por el parásito Plasmodium, se transmite por la picadura del mosquito Anopheles hembra. En la actualidad la malaria está considerada como una enfermedad de gran impacto, hay poblaciones que residen en áreas donde es común encontrarla, por lo que constituye un problema de salud pública a nivel mundial. Objetivo: Evaluar la intervención de autocuidado del adulto con malaria en la comunidad. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio de intervención, desarrollo contextualizado en el Centro de Salud del Barrio Piloto del municipio Cuito Provincia Bie, país Angola durante el periodo de 2022 a 2023. Variables de estudio: nivel de información, autocuidado y estado de salud. Se utilizó entrevista estructurada para conocer la información y el autocuidado brindado por el personal de enfermería, para la mejoría del estado de salud. Después de aplicada de la estrategia se compararon las proporciones poblacionales mediante Prueba de McNemar. Resultados: La información de las enfermeras, al finalizar el programa de capacitación obtuvo 72,09 %. El del estado de salud de los adultos con malaria fue bueno 86,66 %; el autocuidado de los adultos se pudo constatar que recibieron un cuidado aceptable, el 68,57 % obedeció a cambios de conductas. Conclusiones: Se logró el diseño de la intervención de autocuidado del adulto con malaria en la comunidad, que favorecen la relación adulto con malaria, enfermera, familia y comunidad.

Introduction: Malaria is a disease caused by the Plasmodium parasite, and is transmitted by the bite of the female Anopheles mosquito. Malaria is currently considered a high-impact disease, there are populations residing in areas where it is common to find it, this being a public health problem worldwide. Objective: To evaluate the self-care intervention of adults with malaria in the community. Methods: An intervention study was carried out, which was develop contextualized in the Health Center of the Pilot Neighborhood of the Cuito Municipality, Bie Province, from 2022 to 2023. Study variables, level of information, self-care, state of health. A structured interview was used to know the information and self-care provided by the Nursing staff, for the improvement of the state of health. After applying the strategy, the population proportions were compared using the McNemar Test. Results: The information of the nurses, at the end of the training program, obtained 72.09%. The health status of adults with malaria was good 86.66%; self-care of adults it was possible to verify that they received acceptable care, 68.57% were due to behavioral changes. Conclusions: The design of the self-care intervention of the adult with malaria in the community was achieved, which favors the adult relationship with malaria, nurse, family and community.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1527762


Introducción: La COVID-19 es una enfermedad que se ha propagado por todo el mundo con comportamiento de pandemia. Objetivo: Determinar el nivel de conocimiento sobre COVID-19 en los residentes de la especialidad de Higiene y Epidemiología en la provincia Camagüey. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio cuasi-experimental de intervención educativa para determinar el nivel de conocimiento sobre COVID-19 en los residentes de la especialidad de Higiene y Epidemiología, en el período comprendido del 1ro de enero al 31 de marzo de 2021. El universo estuvo constituido por 57 residentes y se tomó una muestra de 42 a través de un muestreo aleatorio simple, a los que se les aplicó un cuestionario el cual constituyó la fuente primaria de obtención de los datos de la investigación. Para la ejecución del estudio en una primera etapa se estableció la comunicación con los estudiantes con el objetivo de lograr la participación de los mismos en dicha investigación. Resultados: Se encontró bajos conocimientos sobre qué es la COVID-19, su sintomatología, modo de transmisión, cómo se diagnóstica y las medidas o formas de prevención. Conclusiones: Se considera efectiva la intervención educativa ya que se elevó el número de residentes de la especialidad que adquirieron los conocimientos sobre el tema investigado.

Introduction: COVID-19 is a disease that has spread rapidly throughout the world with a pandemic behavior. Objective: To determine the level of knowledge about COVID-19 in residents of the Hygiene and Epidemiology specialty in Camagüey. Methods: A quasi-experimental study on educational intervention was carried out to determine the level of knowledge about COVID-19 in residents of the Hygiene and Epidemiology specialty, in the period from January 1st to March 31st, 2021. The universe was made up of 57 residents and a sample of 42 was taken through simple random sampling, to whom a questionnaire was applied which was the primary source of obtaining the research data. To carry out the study in a first stage, communication with the students was established with the objective of achieving their participation in above-mentioned research. Results: Low knowledge was found about what COVID-19 is, its symptoms, transmission mode, how it is diagnosed and measures or forms of prevention. Conclusions: The educational intervention is considered effective since the number of residents of the specialty who acquired knowledge about the topic investigated increased.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550017


Introducción: Son innumerables los beneficios de la lactancia materna, ya que proporciona los nutrientes y la energía necesaria para un crecimiento y desarrollo saludable en los lactantes durante sus primeros seis meses de vida, sin embargo, todavía existe desconocimiento sobre este tema. Objetivo: Elevar el nivel de conocimientos sobre la lactancia materna en gestantes ingresadas en el Hogar Materno Justo Legón Padilla, pertenecientes al municipio y provincia Pinar del Río, durante el año 2022. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio cuasi experimental de intervención educativa, con pre y post test. El universo estuvo conformado por 150 embarazadas que estuvieran en el último trimestre de embarazo, ingresadas en dicha institución en el período señalado, de la cual se seleccionó una muestra de 90 embarazadas según muestreo probabilístico al azar simple, previo consentimiento informado. Se aplicó un programa educativo. Los resultados fueron procesados y presentados a través de tablas. Se aplicaron medidas estadísticas de distribución de frecuencias absolutas y relativas. Resultados: El 97 % de las embarazadas se encontraron con buena calificación posterior a la intervención educativa, en temas relacionados con la lactancia materna. Conclusiones: La estrategia de intervención educativa sobre lactancia materna resultó efectiva en las gestantes estudiadas.

Introduction : There are innumerable benefits of breastfeeding, since it provides the necessary nutrients and energy for healthy growth and development in infants during their first six months of life; however, there is still a lack of knowledge on this subject. Objective: To increase the level of knowledge about breastfeeding in pregnant women admitted to the Justo Legón Padilla Maternity Home, belonging to the municipality and province of Pinar del Rio, during the year 2022. Methods: A quasi-experimental study of educational intervention was carried out, with pre-test and post-test. The universe was made up of 150 pregnant women who were in the last trimester of pregnancy, admitted to said institution in the indicated period, from which a sample of 90 pregnant women was selected according to simple random probabilistic sampling, with prior informed consent. An educational program was applied. The results were processed and presented through tables. Statistical measures of absolute and relative frequency distribution were applied. Results: 97% of the pregnant women were found with a good qualification after the educational intervention, in issues related to breastfeeding. Conclusions: The educational intervention strategy on breastfeeding was effective in the pregnant women studied.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 1000-1002, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-984482


Objective@#To study the role of rs 12145833 polymorphism of SDCCAG 8 gene in the intervention of childhood obesity, so as to provide scientific basis for formulating personalized intervention measures based on genetic background in children with obesity.@*Methods@#From September 2018 to June 2019, a total of 393 children aged 8-10 years in Beijing were enrolled in a cluster randomized controlled trial. Eight schools were randomly allocated into intervention group and control group at a ratio of 1∶1. Saliva DNA samples were collected to detect rs 12145833 polymorphism of SDCCAG 8 gene. The intervention group received a comprehensive intervention, while the control group received usual practice. Intervention measures included diet improvement, sports, school amd family sport. The obesity related indicators were measured at baseline and after the end of intervention 1 academic year. Multiple linear regression and Logistic regression were used to analyze the interaction between genes and intervention on obesity indicators.@*Results@#In the intervention group, children with TT genotype of rs 12145833 of the SDCCAG 8 gene had less increase in systolic( β=4.56, 95%CI=1.84-7.28, P <0.01) and diastolic blood pressure( β=2.59, 95%CI=0.45-4.73, P <0.05) than those with GT and GG genotypes. In the control group, the systolic blood pressure of children with TT genotype increased more than those with GT and GG genotype( β=-2.86, 95%CI=-5.63--0.83, P <0.05). There was an interaction between rs 12145833 polymorphism of SDCCAG 8 gene and intervention on systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and body fat percentage in children( P <0.05).@*Conclusion@#Children with TT genotype of rs 12145833 in the SDCCAG 8 gene are more sensitive to obesity intervention than those with GG and GT genotypes, especially in the improvement of systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and body fat percentage. Further trials to study the role of rs 12145833 polymorphism of SDCCAG 8 gene in the intervention of childhood obesity among different ethnic populations are needed.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 1863-1866, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1004908


Objective@#To examine the effects of high intensity interval training (HIIT) on body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness of obese primary school students, so as to provide a theoretical basis and practical reference for HIIT exercise prescription in schools.@*Methods@#From August to December 2022, 25 obese children [age:(11.0±0.4)years, BMI:(23.3±0.8)kg/m 2] from a primary school in Shenzhen were recruited and divided into an exercise group ( n =13) and a control group ( n =12). After 12 weeks of exercise intervention [The durations of load period and intermittent period were 15 s, load exercise intensity was 100% maximal aerobic speed (MAS), and intermittent exercise intensity was 50% MAS, each time there were 2 groups× 8 rounds, and the rest between groups was 2 minutes, totaling 10 minutes, and 20 meter shuttle run test (20 m-SRT) was performed once every 4 weeks to adjust and update MAS], the changes in body composition and cardio respiratory fitness indexes of obese subjects before and after the intervention were compared.@*Results@#After the intervention, body weight, BMI, body fat, body fat percentage, and visceral adipose tissue area of obese subjects in the exercise group decreased from (55.6±6.2)kg, (22.7±0.6)kg/m 2, (41.8±6.9)kg, ( 23.4± 5.5)% and (102.4±39.0)cm 2 to (52.3±5.8)kg, (21.1±0.8)kg/m 2, (38.6±6.3)kg, (20.2±4.5)% and (84.2±26.9)cm 2, respectively( t =8.73, 10.96, 7.02, 4.92, 4.95, P <0.05). SBP decreased from (115.4±9.7)mmHg to (112.3±8.7)mmHg ( t = 2.96 , P <0.05). The content of skeletal muscle, 20 m-SRT and VO 2max increased from (21.3±5.3)kg, (21.6±4.9) times and (39.4±2.0)mL/(kg ·min) to (21.8±5.2)kg, (31.4±6.3)times and (43.6±2.6)mL/(kg ·min), respectively ( t =-3.33, -8.37, -10.56 , P <0.05).@*Conclusions@#HIIT is an effective way to improve the body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness of obese primary school students. It is recommended that schools with the necessary conditions use this method as an intervention measure to help reduce weight and improve cardiovascular health among obese students.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 1804-1808, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1004668


Objective@#To explore the impact of tennis on the visual health of primary school students, so as to provide a basis for myopia prevention.@*Methods@#In September 2021, a total of 202 third grade students from Fengtai Affiliated School of Renmin University of China in Beijing were recruited, with 75 students in the intervention group and 127 students in the control group. In addition to attending the same cultural and physical education courses, the intervention group added a tennis course twice a week and tested their vision before the intervention (September 2021), middle (January 2022) and later (June 2022). Data collected at different time points in the two groups were analyzed by using independent sample t-test for comparison between blocks, and single factor repeated measurement ANOVA for analysis of time point factors.@*Results@#After intervention, among male subjects, the average visual acuity of the left and right eyes in the intervention group were higher than that in the control group at the third visual acuity test (left eye:5.00±0.13,4.88±0.29, right eye:5.00±0.12,4.88±0.30, t =2.33, 2.36, P <0.05). Among female subjects, the second visual acuity test (left eye:5.03±0.17, 4.86±0.21, right eye:5.03±0.15, 4.85±0.23) and the third visual acuity test (left eye:4.97±0.13, 4.81±0.23, right eye:4.97±0.14, 4.82±0.24) showed that the average visual acuity of the left and right eyes in the intervention group were higher than that in the control group among females (second: t =3.84, 3.87, third: t =3.70, 3.46, P < 0.01 ). After intervention, the detection rate of visual impairment in both males and females control groups increased at three tests, with statistically significant differences ( χ 2=17.86, 34.77, P <0.01). In the first visual acuity test, there was no statistically significant difference in the detection rate of visual impairment between the control group and the intervention group for both males and females ( χ 2=0.01, 0.10, P >0.05). The third visual impairment detection rate of males in the intervention group was lower than that of the control group (20.00% vs 45.45%), while the second and third visual impairment detection rates of female students in the intervention group were lower than those of the control group (22.86% vs 54.00%; 28.57% vs 70.00%) ( χ 2=7.34, 8.24, 14.18, P < 0.01).@*Conclusions@#Tennis can alleviate and prevent the occurrence of myopia in primary school students to a certain extent. Sports such as tennis should be actively promoted to protect the visual health of primary school students.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 1784-1787, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1004664


Objective@#To explore the effect of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) on cognitive emotion regulation in adolescents with non suicidal self injury (NSSI), so as to provide reference for improving the cognitive and emotional well being of NSSI adolescents.@*Methods@#A total of 166 adolescents with non suicidal self injury who were hospitalized in the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Xinxiang Medical University from March 2021 to March 2023, were selected by the convenient sampling method. According to the random number table method, participants were divided into the experimental group and the control group, with 83 cases in each group. The control group was given routine nursing, while the experimental group was given dialectical behavior therapy on the basis of routine nursing. The 8 week intervention was conducted once a week, with 45- 60 minutes each time. The control group and the experimental group were evaluated with Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAMA), Hamilton Depression Scale (HAMD) and Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ) before and after the intervention. Statistical analysis was conducted using t test and χ 2 test.@*Results@#Before the intervention, there was no significant difference in the scores of each scale include HAMA, HAMD and CERQ between the experimental group and control group ( P >0.05). The scores of HAMD (13.58±3.24, 33.02±7.59), HAMA (12.41±2.51, 24.25±7.14), adaptive adjustment strategy score (69.20± 11.97 , 60.51±7.29) and nonadaptive adjustment strategy scores (37.43±7.87, 47.87±5.20) of CERQ, significantly changed after 8 weeks of intervention ( t=-21.46, -14.25, 5.57, -10.08, P <0.01).@*Conclusions@#Dialectical behavior therapy can improve the anxiety, depression and cognitive emotion regulation of adolescents with NSST. Active intervention should be taken to regulate the emotions of adolescent with NSSI and reduce the occurrence of NSSI.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 1720-1723, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-998897


Objective@#To assess the effectiveness of online and offline myopia prevention and control health education interventions using wearable behavior monitoring tools for non myopic elementary school students,so as to provide evidence based medical support for public health practices.@*Methods@#From May to June in 2021, two schools were selected within the same county in Jiangsu Province. School 1 conducted online and offline parental health education ( n =111), while school 2 exclusively conducted offline health education activities, representing the traditional intervention group ( n =122). Students from both schools underwent monitoring through wearable behavior tracking tools, with feedback reports provided (eye distance, eye duration, ambient light, and outdoor exposure time). Both schools relied on activities to carry out health education interventions, and organized the distribution of promotional materials and display boards. The intervention group also established WeChat groups to conduct online "Healthy Parents Action" (answering and providing feedback on health knowledge related to myopia prevention and control, myopia prevention and control, science popularization, etc. raised by parents). Evaluation criteria included myopia rates, post dilation refractive error, and axial length, with a tracking period of two years (from 2021 to 2023). Additionally, the study collected refractive parameters from non myopic students who did not participate in wearable tool monitoring in the 12 classes across the two schools.@*Results@#The baseline results indicated that there were no significant differences between the two groups in terms of refractive parameters and wearable tool monitoring results (including screen time, viewing distance, outdoor exposure time, and homework light exposure)( t/Z/χ 2=1.94,1.17,0.58,0.40,0.80,0.69,0.32, P >0.05). After a two-year follow up, in the first and second year, the myopia rate of the online Healthy Parents Action group (11.4%, 29.7%) were lower than that of the traditional group (26.2%, 50.9%), and the degree of refractive change in the intervention group [0.63(0.38,1.19)D] was lower than that of the traditional group [0.91(0.40,1.50)D], and all the differences were statistically significant( χ 2/ Z =4.93,10.37,2.29, P <0.05). However, there were no significant differences ( P >0.05) in axial length changes between the two groups over the twoyear intervention period. Nevertheless, in the second year, the axial length change in the traditional group [0.35(0.20,0.65)mm] was lower than that in the natural observation group [0.55(0.30,0.75)mm], and this difference was statistically significant ( Z =1.92, P <0.05).@*Conclusions@#Online and offline myopia prevention and control health education can effectively reduce myopia rates. The intervention mode combining wearable behavior monitoring tools with online health education may have better effects, but further large sample and multi center studies are needed to provide additional evidence and confirmation.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 1702-1707, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-998888


Objective@#To observe the effect of dynamic and static combination of Wuqinxi on the psychological state and prefrontal oxygenated hemoglobin of female college students with subliminal depression (SD), so as to provide a high quality reference for optimizing their interventional measures.@*Methods@#A total of 72 female college students with SD in their third year of two semesters in the 2021-2022 academic year of Chongqing Second Normal University were randomly divided into a control group, an observation group 1, and an observation group 2. The control group received routine psychological intervention once a week, 20 minutes/time, while the observation group 1 received Wuqinxi exercise twice a day for about 30 minutes on the basis of the control group. The observation group 2 received a combination of dynamic and static Wuqinxi exercise on the basis of the control group, Wuqinxi dynamic exercise combined with Wuqinxi exercise guided imagination training about 20 minutes/time. All three groups received 12 weeks of intervention. Observe the Chinese version of the Hamilton Depression Scale (HAMD-24), Subthreshold Depression Scale (STDS), and Symptom Checklist-90 (SCL-90) before and after intervention, and collect serum γ aminobutyric acid (GABA) and plasma adrenocor ticotropic hormone (ACTH), and the concentration of oxyhemoglobin (Oxy Hb) in the prefrontal lobe were detected by functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS).@*Results@#The results showed that the HAMD-24 and STDS scores of the two groups (11.33±1.29, 53.08±2.31) were lower than those of the control group and observation group 1 (18.27± 2.02 , 73.60±4.05; 15.19±1.92, 64.58±2.69), with statistically significant differences ( F=8.64, 11.85, P <0.05). Observing that the six dimensions of somatization, interpersonal, depression, anxiety, hostility psychoticism in the SCL-90 scale were lower in the two groups than in the other two groups ( F=3.68, 9.83, 10.37, 5.85, 3.05, 7.46, P <0.05). The plasma ACTH levels in the observation group were lower than those in the other two groups, while the peak concentration of Oxy Hb was higher than those in the other two groups ( F =3.27, 6.08, P <0.05). The serum GABA levels were higher than those in the control group, and there was no difference compared to the observation group 1 ( P >0.05).@*Conclusion@#The combination of dynamic and static Wuqinxi training can improve the psychological state of female college students with subthreshold depression, alleviate the depressive symptoms,possibly through increase of prefrontal oxygenated hemoglobin.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 1622-1625, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-998788


Objective@#To analyze the effectiveness of body image education curriculum on grade 4-6 students of early adolescence in primary schools, so as to provide teaching pructice research eridence for promoting positive body image during adolescence.@*Methods@#A primary school in Chengdu was selected as an experimental school, who offered 6 projects, each project 1 class hour, each chass hour 40 minutes, an average of 1.5 weeks body image education curriculum (body changes during adolescent, values, physical appearance, gender diverity expression and aesthetic diversity). The other school had the same school district conditions, school size and nature, teachers and teaching environment, and had no body image education courses. A pre-test and post-test survey was conducted in April and May 2023 on students in grades 4 to 6 in both schools through the Body Image State Scale adopting cluster sampling.@*Results@#The pre-test scores of body image in experimental school and control school were (34.99±8.72) and (35.74±8.57) respectively, with no significantly statistical difference ( t=-1.29, P >0.05). The post-test scores of body image in experimental school and control school were (37.09±10.40) and (35.70±8.78) respectivily. There was a significant difference in body image between pre-test and post-test scores in experimental school ( t=-5.70, P <0.01), while no significant difference in control school ( t=0.13, P >0.05). There were significant differences in body image between pre-test and post-test scores among students of different BMI groups in experimental and control schools ( F =16.01, 7.19, 9.64, 5.30, P <0.01).@*Conclusions@#Body image education curriculum in early adolescence is beneficial for improving students body satisfaction. To help students develop a positive body image in early adolescence, it is necessary to implement relevant curriculum education in schools as early as possible.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 1505-1508, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-997213


Objective@#To understand the knowledge of reproductive health among female college students and the effectiveness of intervention measures, so as to provide a reference for conducting reproductive health education and health guidance for female college students.@*Methods@#From March to November 2022, 1 019 female college students of grade 1 to 3 from a university were selected by convenient sampling method,who were included in the conventional group( n =315), WeChat group( n =462) and outpatient and peer group( n =242). The Outpatient and peer group was provided with reproductive health education and health knowledge manuals and relevant guidance by receiving medical staff, the conventional group received routine health education and guidance from the school, and the WeChat group received online reproductive health education and guidance on the WeChat platform. Survey questionnaires were filled out before and after reproductive health related education and health guidance, and the results were compared and analyzed.@*Results@#After intervention, the awareness rates of women’s menstrual cycle , ovulation period, AIDS detection window period and suitable contraceptive methods in outpatient and peer groups and WeChat group were higher than those in conventional group ( χ 2=26.78, 31.70, 61.50 and 13.96 respectively). The awareness rates of women s physiological time easy to be pregnant and unreliable contraceptive methods in outpatient and peer groups were higher than those in conventional group ( χ 2= 9.10 , 10.68), and the awareness rates of unreliable contraceptive methods and main precautions during menstruation were higher than those in WeChat group ( χ 2=9.10, 8.02). The awareness rate of emergency contraception methods in WeChat group was higher than that in conventional group ( χ 2=7.94). All the differences were statistically significant ( P <0.05). After intervention, the knowledge scores of reproductive physiology (2.55±1.09, 2.42±1.08), contraception (2.62±1.20, 2.53±1.06), sexually transmitted disease (2.89±1.35, 2.76±1.24) and the total score of reproductive health knowledge (12.82±3.94, 12.12±3.06) among female college students of the outpatient and peer group and WeChat group were higher than those in the conventional group (2.10± 0.91 , 2.33±1.09, 2.55±1.18, 11.39±3.07). The knowledge score of accidental pregnancy and induced abortion (1.78±0.91) and the total score of reproductive health knowledge (12.82±3.94) among female college students of the outpatient and peer group were higher than those in the conventional group and WeChat group (1.57±0.87, 1.62±0.87; 11.39±3.07, 12.12±3.06). All the differences were statistically significant ( F =14.94, 5.27, 5.28, 13.02; 4.15, 13.02, P <0.05).@*Conclusion@#Female college students lack comprehensive understanding of reproductive health related knowledge. The reproductive health education and health care guidance to female college students should be developed through multiple channels, which would improve the reproductive health knowledge cognition of female college students and promote the formation of good health care behavior.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 1501-1504, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-997212


Objective@#To evaluate the effectiveness of sex education curriculum on sex related knowledge, attitude and practice of preschool children in senior class, so as to provide a reference basis for the comprehensive development of early childhood sex education in the future.@*Methods@#From December 2021 to July 2022, the two stage stratified sampling method was used to select 12 kindergartens in Luzhou City, of which 6 senior classes were chosen as the intervention group (360 before the intervention, 354 after the intervention), and the other 6 senior classes as the control group (416 before the intervention, 326 after the intervention). The intervention group was conducted with early childhood sex education classes in the form of a series of courses, with a total of four topics including one parent course and three child courses every month, while the control group received routine teaching schedule. A survey was conducted on the knowledge, attitude and practice of early childhood sex education among preschool children and their parents before and after the intervention. χ 2 text analysis was used to carry out the effect.@*Results@#There was no statistically significant difference in sexual education related knowledge, attitude and practice between the intervention group and the control group before intervention ( P >0.05). There were statistically significant differences in the awareness rate of sexual knowledge (77.4%, 69.6%), positive attitude rate (73.7%, 10.1%), good practice rate (59.3%, 38.0%), and good knowledge, attitude and practice rate (37.9%,1.8%) between the intervention group and the control group after intervention ( χ 2=5.28, 279.77, 30.77, 134.62, P <0.05). Similar findings were observed in the intervention group before and after the intervention ( χ 2=63.39, 344.31 , 41.41, 161.03, P <0.05). The difference in the awareness rate of sexual related knowledge between the control group before and after intervention was statistically significant ( χ 2=44.29, P <0.05).@*Conclusion@#The early childhood sex education curriculum might help improve sex related knowledge, attitude and practice. Kindergartens should be encouraged to actively promote sex education, training, and guidance for preschool children and their parents, in order to improve the sex related knowledge, attitude and practice.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 1468-1472, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-997191


Objective@#To explore the influence of two voluntary counseling and testing(VCT) services on young students acquired immune deficiency syndrome(AIDS) related knowledge and behaviour, so as to provide a new idea for further improvement and promotion of VCT services.@*Methods@#From April 2017 to December 2018, the sample size,selected from 12 patrol and fixed monitoring sites in colleges in Guangzhou, was calculated by non inferiority trial, and the students who received services at the same period were 1∶1 matched. A total of 113 students received conventional VCT and 186 recerived peer VCT services. The Chi square test was used to analyse the difference of AIDS related knowledge and behavior before and after intervention, and a survey was conducted on satisfaction.@*Results@#After young students received conventional VCT services, the overall awareness rate of AIDS basic knowledge increased from 80.53% to 93.75%, and the frequency of condom use every time during heterosexual sexual activity in the past year increased by 29.17 percentage points ( χ 2=4.49,4.10, P <0.05). After young students received peer VCT services, the awareness rate of the Four Frees and One Care Policy increased from 34.95% to 58.26%, the rates of homosexual anal sex and more than or equal to 2 sexual partners in the past half a year decreased by 14.84 and 29.43 percentage points, respectively( χ 2=15.69, 4.82, 10.97, P <0.05).@*Conclusion@#After young students receive two modes of VCT services respectively, the AIDS related knowledge and behavior have been improved, and the influence of the two VCT services has different advantages. The combination of conventional VCT and peer education might be a more effective way of AIDS intervention.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 884-887, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-976455


Objective@#To investigate the effectiveness of horticultural therapy on improving university students mental health problems and to provide evidence to support the application of horticultural therapy in the prevention and treatment of university students mental health.@*Methods@#From March to May 2022,a before-and after paired design was used with a blank control group, mental health screening abnormalities were recruited from a comprehensive university in Hebei Province, including 57 in the intervention group and 21 in the control group, and the Symptom Checklist-90(SCL-90) score and hair cortisol were included as outcome indicators, which was measured by enzyme linked immunoassay Elisa double antibody sandwich method.@*Results@#The total SCL-90 scores of the intervention group decreased ( t=4.28, P <0.01) and were significantly lower compared with the control group( t=-2.66, P <0.01), while no significant difference was observed in the control group( t=0.29, P >0.05), and the difference between the pre and post measures on each dimension of the SCL-90 was significantly lower in the intervention group (all P <0.01); the difference between the pre and post measures of hair cortisol contentration in the intervention group was statistically significant( Z= -2.75, P <0.05), and the hair cortiso contentration in pre measure group was lower than that of control group( Z=-3.48, P < 0.01 ). In contrast, the difference between pre and post measurements of hair cortisol in the control group was not significant( Z= -0.75 , P >0.05).@*Conclusion@#Horticultural therapy can improve the psychological symptoms of university students is suitable for psychological interventions in the university population and is beneficial to the health and well being of university students.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 738-741, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-973980


Objective@#To analyze the improvement of executive function in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) aged 7-14 years with comprehensive intervention and drug therapy alone, to provide a basis for intervention research to improve ADHD.@*Methods@#A total of 80 children with ADHD treated in the Third People s Hospital of Ganzhou from January 2021 to June 2022 were randomly divided into intervention group and control group. The intervention group received drug and comprehensive intervention therapy, and sensory integration training once a week for 60 to 90 min each for 12 weeks, and conduct related training for caregivers and school teachers, the control group received only drug therapy. The changes of executive function were assessed by the stroop color word association test and the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) after 12 weeks of intervention.@*Results@#After intervention, the results of the Stroop color word test in the intervention group (3.25±0.98, 4.92±1.40, 10.17±1.28) showed statistically significant differences ( t=12.94, 15.36, 26.34 , P <0.01) compared with those before intervention (6.47±1.92, 8.35±1.25, 16.55±1.57). There were also statistically significant differences ( t=6.76, 15.01, 16.15, P <0.01) in the control group ( 3.95 ±1.01, 5.45±1.15, 12.35±0.86) compared to those before intervention (6.17±1.87, 8.10±1.03, 16.02±1.38). Before intervention, the number of perseverative errors, non perseverative errors, and completed categories by WCST in the intervention group were (47.77±4.50, 35.50±2.37, 3.97±1.07), and in the control group were (46.45±7.34, 34.87±2.29, 3.70±1.11). After intervention, those of the intervention group and control group were (31.42±2.01, 24.75±2.05, 5.05±1.13) and (32.82±2.57, 25.55±1.04, 4.25±1.48), respectively. There were significant differences in the two groups before and after intervention ( t =21.93, 22.27 , -10.37; 10.84, 26.81, -6.90, P <0.01). After intervention, there were significant differences in the number of Stroop color word test errors, perseverative errors and non perseverative errors in WCST between the two groups ( t=-2.94, 2.29, -9.07, -2.35 , -2.06, P <0.05).@*Conclusion@#Through training for children and the therapy model of comprehensive intervention could significantly improve the executive function of children for a certain extent.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 549-552, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-972743


Objective@#To explore the impact of stage recovery training on children with autism spectrum disorder, and to provide reference for the scientific and rational rehabilitation and recovery training plans.@*Methods@#A total of 59 children with autism spectrum disorder in Luzhou were recruited and randomly divided into control group, intervention group Ⅰ and intervention group Ⅱ for 4 stages of T1-T4 recovery training. Before and after the training, Autism Behavior Checklist(ABC) was used to assess child s sensation, language, motor, communication and self care ability.@*Results@#There was no significant difference in the overall score of the ABC among the three groups in T1 and T2 stages ( P >0.05), but there was significant difference in T3 and T4 stages ( F= 3.98, 5.09, P < 0.05), which showed the intervention group Ⅰ and Ⅱ were lower than the control group. In terms of dimensions, in addition to the insignificant difference in language scores ( P >0.05), there were significant differences in feeling, communication, movement, and self care scores ( P <0.05). Overall score of the ABC in intervention group I and group II was lower than the control group ( P <0.05). Compared with the control group, the overall scores of children in intervention Ⅰ and intervention Ⅱ were significant in both T3 and T4 stages ( P <0.05). Compared with T1 stage, there were no significant differences in the overall scores of children in the control group in T2 stage, T3 stage and T4 stage ( P >0.05), while significant difference was observed in the intervention group Ⅰ and group Ⅱ in T2-T4 stage ( P <0.05).@*Conclusion@#Stage recovery training might help to alleviate the overall symptoms of children with autism spectrum disorder in sensation, communication, motor development and self care behaviors. The stage recovery training focusing on physical exercise can effectively alleviate the physical function of the child, while those focusing on social interaction is more conducive to improving child s social ability.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 544-548, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-972741


Objective@#To explore the impact of sleep education programs on freshman sleep time, knowledge, attitudes, behavior and daytime sleepiness, so as to provide a reference for further improving the sleep status of college students.@*Methods@#By using the method of cluster sampling, freshmen were invited from a university in Beijing (288 at baseline, 187 at posttest and 108 at follow up for experimental group (EG); 207 at baseline and 105 at posttest for control group (CG). The sleep education content was embedded into other courses and implemented in a blending learning mode for EG, lasting 10 weeks, while the CG received no intervention. Both groups were assessed using questionnaires at both baseline and 2 weeks after the intervention, and reassessed at 9 months follow up after posttest for EG.@*Results@#After intervention, compared with CG, the weekday and weekend bedtime in EG was 21 min and 17 min earlier than that in CG respectively ( t=-2.78, -2.15, P <0.05). The sleep duration at night on weekday in EG was 19 min longer than that in CG ( t=3.51, P<0.01). In EG, the phenomenon of going to bed with electronic products before sleep, no delay in falling asleep, sleep knowledge, sleep attitude, sleep habit and daytime sleepiness were significantly better than those in CG ( χ 2/t =9.15, 2.82, 5.71, 3.98, 2.41, -4.90, P <0.05). After intervention, comparing with that at baseline, the weekday and weekend bedtime in EG were significantly earlier by 11 min and 17 min respectively ( t=3.50, 3.67, P <0.01), the sleep duration at nights on weekdays and weekend increased by 13 min and 18 min, respectively ( t=-3.01, -3.67, P <0.05), and the daytime sleepiness, going to bed with electronic products before sleep, no delay in falling asleep, sleep knowledge, sleep attitude and sleep habit were significantly improved ( χ 2/t =4.64, 15.19, -2.08, -9.31, -3.28, -2.14, P<0.05). At the 9 months follow up after the posttest, the bedtime on working day was significantly advanced by 8 min ( t =2.00), the sleep duration at night on working day was prolonged by 9 min ( t =-2.15), and the phenomenon of going to bed with electronic products before sleep and sleep knowledge were still significantly improved( χ 2/t =21.50, -6.26)( P <0.05).@*Conclusion@#Sleep education programs embedded in other courses and implemented in a blending learning mode can improve students sleep knowledge, sleep attitude and some habits, and reduce daytime sleepiness.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 521-524, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-972736


Objective@#To analyze the eye gaze pattern during the orienteering exercise and effects of orienteering exercises on myopia prevention and control in primary school students, so as to provide reference for the effective prevention and control of myopia.@*Methods@#Visual acuity screening was conducted on fifth grade students aged 10-11 years old in Shaanxi Normal University Primary School, and 120 primary school students with abnormal visual acuity were selected and randomly divided into experimental group ( n =60) and control group ( n =60). The experimental group practiced orienteering cross country program on the basis of the control group, and compared the differences in myopia improvement between the two groups through the characteristics of eye changes tested by ETG spectacle type oculomotor.@*Results@#The differences between the experimental group and the control group in naked eye visual acuity, refraction and visual fatigue before the intervention were not statistically significant ( t=0.13, 1.94, 0.70, P > 0.05); after ten weeks of intervention, the naked eye visual acuity, refraction and visual fatigue of the experimental group were better than those of the control group, and the differences were statistically significant ( t=11.28, 15.03, -247.01, P <0.05). During the process of map recognition and scene recognition, the differences in fixation time, number, frequency and saccade distance of the experimental group were statistically significant ( t=-13.62, -7.83, 4.82, 7.15, P <0.05); the students in the experimental group showed alternate eye gaze characteristics in the process of map recognition and scene recognition.@*Conclusion@#During orienteering exercises, map recognition and real scene recognition mobilized eye following, sweeping, gaze, focus and alternate visual tracking, which have an improved effect on myopia prevention and control in primary school students.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 512-516, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-972734


Objective@#To investigate the effects of a ketogenic diet (KD) alone and in combination with resistance training (KD+RT) on body composition and glucolipid metabolism of obese and female college students, and to provide a theoretical basis for the application of KD+RT in obese patients.@*Methods@#Totally 45 obese and female college students in Wuyi University were recruited and randomly divided into KD group ( n =23) and KD+RT group ( n =22) in September 2021. After received training for 4 weeks, the changes of body composition and glucose and lipid metabolism of obese and female college students were compared before and after intervention.@*Results@#Both a 4 week KD and KD+RT led to decreases in weight, BMI, body fat mass, body fat percentage, waist to hip ratio, visceral fat area of obese female college students ( t =16.19, 16.21, 12.42, 7.99, 2.10, 6.37; 18.82, 18.02, 17.80, 10.72, 3.41, 7.59, P <0.01). The change of muscle mass was decreased in KD group( t=4.12, P <0.01), but there was no statistically significant difference in KD+RT group( P >0.05). Both a 4 week KD and KD+RT significantly reduced the levels of the fasting blood glucose, fasting insulin, glycosylated hemoglobin and triglyceride (TG) of obese female college students ( t =10.15, 8.94 , 6.94, 7.63; 9.23, 12.75, 9.85, 9.09, P <0.01), and increased the high density lipoprotein (HDL) level( t =-7.36, -5.22, P <0.01). However, only KD+RT group had a significant decrease in the level of LDL ( t =5.27, P <0.01), and there was no significant change in the level of TC both groups ( P >0.05). After the intervention, there was no statistically significant difference between the KD+RT group compared to the KD group ( P >0.05), except for a significant decrease in triacylglycerol ( t =2.51, P < 0.05 ).@*Conclusion@#Both a short term KD and KD+RT show beneficial changes in body composition and glucolipid metabolism in obese female college students. However, the KD+RT is superior to a KD in maintaining muscle mass and reducing the effects of lipid metabolism.